Copy / Paste

Copy / Paste vs Duplicate

  • Copy / Paste allows you to copy keyframes from a single layer to other layers.

  • With the duplicate functions, the new keyframes are located on the same layers as the original keyframes.

In point / Out point / CTI

Each of these options determines where the keyframes will be pasted. Then follow these steps:

  1. Select keyframes on a single layer.

  2. Copy these keyframes with Keystone

  3. Select the destination layers

  4. Paste with Keystone

PASTE + in point

PASTE + out point


Key selection

This option updates selected keyframes while keeping the time of the first keyframe. To paste keyframes with this option, it is necessary to select the keyframes you want to replace instead of just selecting the layers alone.

Absolute paste / Relative paste

Absolute pasting allows you to paste keyframes with the same values as the copied keyframes.

Relative pasting allows you to paste keyframes while maintaining the original values of the destination layers. This option is often useful with position properties.

Auto-Update existing keyframes

In some circumstances, it is possible to automatically update existing keyframes with the combination CTRL + PASTE (Windows) or CMD + PASTE (macOS).

This feature is based on the keyframe index. For example if we copy the keyframes with indexes 4, 5 and 6 on a first layer, only the keyframes with the same indexes will be updated on the other layers.

Copy keyframes


Paste without auto-update (default)


Paste with auto-update



Last updated